In Counter-Strike 2, there are dozens of cases with skins. One of them is the Snake Bite Case. This case, which was released in May 2021, contains 17 weapon skins and rare items, especially 24 pairs of gloves. CS.MONEY Blog covers everything you need to know about Snakebite Cases.

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Is a Snakebite Case Worth Opening?

Snakebite Case has average “profitability” statistics. For every dollar spent opening the yellow box, you’ll get back about 46 cents. Not the worst, but not the best either. The case itself is quite cheap, costing under 25 cents.

Here are all the skins from Snakebite Case:

It’s a decent collection, including skins for almost all meta weapons, except AWP.

So, is it worth opening a Snakebite Case? Probably not. The average prices of rare drop skins and “red” skins are relatively low — less than $300 and less than $19 respectively.

The most popular skins from the case, such as AK-47 Slate or Desert Eagle Trigger Discipline, are much easier to obtain by purchasing directly on the CS.MONEY Market rather than trying to get them as drops from the case. So if you want to get it, go to the Market and get it now.

Are Snakebites Rare?

Snakebite Cases are part of the rare drop pool. This means the chance of getting this case in the weekly drop is 100 times lower than the chance of getting a case from the regular pool. Although rare, the price of this case is quite cheap, under 25 cents.

What Gloves Can You Get for a Snakebite Case?

The box contains six types of gloves, each containing four pairs. Here is the complete list of gloves from Snakebite Case:

  • Broken Fang’s Gloves Bend
  • Broken Fang Jade Gloves
  • Yellow Ribbon Broken Fang Gloves
  • Fang’s Glove Needle Tip is Broken
  • Snow Leopard Driving Gloves
  • Rezan the Red Driver’s Gloves
  • Black Tie Driving Gloves
  • Queen Jaguar Driver Gloves
  • Hand Wrap CAUTION!
  • Giraffe Hand Wrap
  • Hand Wrap Barrier
  • Hands Wrapping the Shamagh Desert
  • Smoky Moto Gloves
  • Blood Pressure Moto Gloves
  • Moto Glove Finish Line
  • 3rd Commando Glove Company
  • Marble Fade Specialist Gloves
  • Tiger Strike Specialist Gloves
  • Lieutenant General Commander Specialist Gloves
  • Specialist Glove Field Agent
  • Slingshot Sports Gloves
  • Nocts Sports Gloves
  • Scarlet Shamagh Sports Gloves
  • Big Game Sports Gloves

The most expensive gloves from this case are the Sport Gloves Slingshot, Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike, and Specialist Gloves Marble Fade.

How Many Snakebite Cases Are There?

Although Snakebite Cases are rare items, they are easy to obtain. On Steam Marketplace alone, there are more than 180,000 listings selling this case. This case is clearly not going away any time soon. In addition, the price dynamics of this case are unstable, fluctuating around one value for several years now. By the way, here is the Battle Pass code: MO3F3MXQ

Snakebite Case has delivered some amazing skins, which have quickly become popular among regular players and sticker craft fans. The black AK-47 Slate, the dark Desert Eagle Trigger Discipline, and the colorful MP9 Food Chain are cool and bright skins that can enrich your inventory for very little. Be sure to check it out!

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